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Darren Waite, Safran Landing Systems Customer Support & Services EVP

Darren Waite

Safran Landing Systems, Executive Vice President, Customer Support and Services

Expertise and experience

Darren Waite is a mechanical engineering graduate who started his career in the Maintenance Repair & Overhaul division of the Dowty Group in 1987. He then held various design engineering analysis roles within Dowty Aerospace Landing Gear, before joining the product support management team of Messier-Dowty, where he was responsible for the in-service support of various landing gear products. In 2008, Darren was appointed as the Program Director for the Airbus Long Range program and then also the A380 program. In February 2013, he was named Vice President Customer Support for all landing gear programs together with the key account role for the support of all Airbus products for Safran Landing Systems. In 2020, he was named Executive Vice President Customer Support and Services.

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  • © Anthony Guerra / Safran