Dominique Rousseau
Expertise and experience
Dominique has graduated from Paris’ Management and Information Technology top university (Ecole supérieure de Gestion et d’Informatique) with a Master’s degree.
He starts his professional career at Total, spending 3 years working for the company, of which 1 year in Thailand. Dominique is then hired as the IT AS/400 Project Manager at Labinal.
He moves to Mexico in February 1999, where he will stay until September 2000, and starts implementing a work team and procedures between Mexico and Villemur site in France.
He then carries on his development activities for Villemur’s Production Management from September 2000 to 2003.
In July 2003, he is appointed Research and Development Manager for the ERP and PDM software.
In 2013, he is appointed Information Systems Vice President at Labinal.
In 2016, he finally becomes Safran Electrical & Power’s IS Vice President.
Safran Electrical & Power is a world leader in electrical systems for aircraft, ranked No. 1 for wiring and No. 2 for power generation, while playing a key role in the development of more electric aircraft.
- © Safran
- © Julia Roubineau / Safran