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Jean-François Sauer

Jean-François Sauer

Safran Helicopter Engines, Executive Vice-President, Programs

Expertise and experience

After initial experience in banking and in the gas industry, Jean-François Sauer joined Safran in January 2002 within the RTM322 Program Team. In 2007, he was appointed Head of the MTR390 Program, followed by the Arriel Program in 2011. In 2014, he became Vice President Light Helicopter Engines (LHE), encompassing Arriel and Arrius engine families.

He moved to Safran Aircraft Engines in 2016, first to Madrid (Spain), then to Munich (Germany), as Vice-President Program and Operations within the Europrop International consortium, in charge of the TP400 Engine Program for A400M transport aircraft.

He came back to France in 2020, taking the role of Vice-President for Support of Military Aircraft Engines. As such, he was in charge of negotiating and setting up major service contracts with the French Air Force, ensuring successful entry into service of the M88 engine on Rafale fighter in several countries, developing the MRO capacity of M88 and TP400 engines, and securing a high level of satisfaction across all users.

In January 2025, he was appointed Executive Vice-President Programs at Safran Helicopter Engines.



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