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Airbus A320neo nacelles

Airbus A320neo Nacelle Systems

Airbus A320neo nacelles

Safran Nacelles

Nacelle length 5.1 meters

Nacelle diameter 2.7 meters

Thrust reverser type Cascade thrust reversers

Engine reference LEAP-1A engine

Aircraft category/class Mid-range airliner

Safran Nacelles has complete responsibility for the development of the Airbus A320neo nacelles, from design to integration on the LEAP-1A engines.

Airbus A320neo nacelles

Safran Nacelles

Nacelle length 5.1 meters

Nacelle diameter 2.7 meters

Thrust reverser type Cascade thrust reversers

Engine reference LEAP-1A engine

Aircraft category/class Mid-range airliner

Robust and reliable: technology based on the A320, A330, A340 and A380 programs

Light: composite materials make up more than 60% of the nacelle

Efficient and quiet: aerodynamic finesse and acoustic treatment

Aerodynamic and light, the Airbus A320neo nacelles contribute to both the aircraft and propulsion system performance. They also enable engine noise reduction and perform a braking function on landing. A 24/7 after-sales service is available to support the Airbus A320neo nacelles.

Key figure
- 50 %
Engine noise with the LEAP-1A equipped A320neo nacelle

A performance model

Settings of the gates of the thrust reverser of A320neo LEAP-1A nacelle

A320neo nacelle thrust engines

The A320neo nacelles are equipped with cascade thrust reversers. Panels inside the nacelles open when activated by the pilot, to redirect the cold airflow towards the front, thus generating the counterthrust which assists with braking on landing. The thrust reversers ensure braking of the plane, especially on short, wet, snowy or icy landing strips.

Safran Nacelles is an expert in the assembly of aerostructures such as thrust reversers. The company has control over all the parts assembly processes: they are positioned meticulously, adjusted to the structure using shimming, drilling, milling, countersinking, bonding and riveting.



Engine noise reduction acoustic treatment

Honeycomb acoustic treatment is applied in strategic areas of the A320neo nacelle composite panels. Hundreds of thousands of holes are drilled in the composite skin so that the noise can disperse and be captured in the honeycomb core. This process significantly reduces the engine noise. Safran Nacelles holds a unique expertise in engine environment acoustic technology.

Optimized production resources

Moving line for A320neo nacelles

Innovative inspection systems and automation

Safran Nacelles implemented an efficiency-based industrial organization (automated lines and innovative inspection systems), based on its own production resources as well as on components supplied by a rigorously selected international supply chain. 

One of Safran Nacelles’ operational partners is Middle Rivers Aerostructure Systems (ST Engineering), which supply the transcowl and the thrust reverser cascades (both manufactured in composite materials), the thrust reverser actuation system and the engine build up (EBU), as well as the nacelle integration operation on the LEAP-1A engine.

Middle River Aerostructure Systems

Integration and after-sales support

General view of the l'A320neo nacelle assembly line on the LEAP-1A engine

Painting, nacelle integration on the engine and final assembly line support

All nacelle components (air inlet, fan cowl, thrust reverser, nozzle and EBU*) are assembled on the engine at Safran Nacelles’ integration site in Toulouse (France). This is where the last adjustment operations between the nacelle, the engine and the mast that will connect the propulsion system under the aircraft wing are carried out, as well as painting in the airline livery. The airlines then take delivery of the propulsion systems before they are installed at the Airbus Final Assembly Line (FAL) where support is provided by Safran Nacelles’ teams.

*EBU: Engine Build Up, regroups several items: electric harnesses, pipes, circulation valves, air inlet anti-icing system, electrical feed, etc.

After-sales support and bespoke services

NacelleLife logo

NacelleLife™ services and offer

Safran Nacelles support A320neo customers in their nacelle operations with a 24/7 proactive after-sales support and a full range of bespoke services.

These activities are assisted by a worldwide network of technical representatives, support managers on all five continents, as well as by the four distribution centers and the five repair stations located in the United States, in Europe, the Middle-East and in Asia.


Discover the A320neo nacelle

A320neo nacelle : 00 minute and 27 seconds
Final Inspection of the A320neo nacelle before reception by the airline customer and then delivery to the final assembly line of Airbus
Final Inspection of the A320neo nacelle before reception by the airline customer and then delivery to the final assembly line of Airbus
Final Inspection of the A320neo nacelle before reception by the airline customer and then delivery to the final assembly line of Airbus
© Philippe Stroppa / Safran
A320neo nacelle half-thrust reverser
A320neo nacelle half-thrust reverser
A320neo nacelle half-thrust reverser
© Julien Lutt / CAPA Pictures / Safran
A320neo line: integration of the LEAP-1A engine with the nacelle using the SmartTrolley
A320neo line: integration of the LEAP-1A engine with the nacelle using the SmartTrolley
A320neo line: integration of the LEAP-1A engine with the nacelle using the SmartTrolley
© Laurent Pascal / CAPA Pictures / Safran The SmartTrolley is an electric machine capable…
Nacelle/engine integration for LEAP-1A turbofan powerplants on the A320neo
Nacelle/engine integration for LEAP-1A turbofan powerplants on the A320neo
Nacelle/engine integration for LEAP-1A turbofan powerplants on the A320neo
© Adrien Daste / Safran
Nacelle and LEAP engine for A320neo
Nacelle and LEAP engine for A320neo
Nacelle and LEAP engine for A320neo
© Adrien Daste / Safran
  • © Safran
  • © CFM International
  • © Laurent Pascal / CAPA Pictures / Safran
  • © Julien Lutt / CAPA Pictures / Safran
  • © Safran Nacelles
  • © Adrien Daste / Safran
  • © Philippe Stroppa / Safran