Safran Helicopter Engines strengthens its European team around Ardiden 3TP with ITP Aero in Spain
(spanish version below)
5 October 2020, Bordes
Safran Helicopter Engines and the Spanish aero-engine company ITP Aero have signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) to cooperate on Ardiden 3TP, a turboprop engine suitable for European military applications – specifically the unmanned, training and transport sectors. The Spanish aero engine specialist strengthen the European team with Safran Helicopter Engines, and ZF Aviation Technology in Germany.
Ardiden 3TP is a 100% European solution based on Safran’s Ardiden 3 core engine and featuring technologies developed through its Tech TP technological demonstrator, which ran for the first time in June 2019.
Alvaro Santodomingo, ITP Aero Defence Business Unit Executive Director, said: “A collaboration with Safran Helicopter Engines in this engine is an important opportunity for us. Our aero-engine technologies and capabilities will significantly benefit this engine propulsive system, lowering operating and maintenance costs, while supporting future Spanish industrial capabilities”.
Commented Florent Chauvancy, Safran Helicopter Engines EVP OEM Sales, “We are proud to welcome ITP Aero into this exciting project. We are committed to delivering the Ardiden 3TP, a 100% European engine featuring high levels of design maturity and competitive operating and maintenance costs. It will be designed, built and supported by highly-experienced teams using state-of-the-art industrial capabilities in Germany, Spain and France. For European nations seeking to protect their national interests, in civil or military fixed-wing programs, Ardiden 3TP is the natural choice.”
The Ardiden 3TP will be optimized for operation at medium and high altitudes, up to 45,000 feet, and be easy to operate -- thanks to a unique throttle and Full Authority Digital Engine and Propeller Control (FADEPC) controlling power and propeller pitch. MT-Propeller will contribute to the propeller.
It is based on Tech TP, a Clean Sky 2 research and innovation programme validating the technologies necessary to develop a new-generation turboprop. Since June 2019, tests have progressed at a steady pace. Featuring a compact and lightweight architecture, Tech TP offers
15 per cent lower fuel consumption and CO2 emissions (over current engines). It is one of the first Clean Sky 2 demonstrators to enter its test phase. More than 20 partners from eight European countries are contributing to the project.
The Ardiden 3 is a new-generation core engine in the 1,700 to 2,000 shp power range. Two EASA-certified models, the Ardiden 3C and 3G, have completed over 10,000 hours of tests, confirming high levels of design maturity and competitive operating and maintenance costs. In addition, more than 250 Ardiden 1 engines have flown over 200,000 hours. The Ardiden 3 features a remarkably compact modular architecture, a best-in-class power-to-weight ratio and a low cost-of-ownership.
Safran Helicopter Engines refuerza el equipo europeo alrededor del turbopropulsor Ardiden 3TP con la llegada de ITP Aero en España
5 de Octubre 2020, Bordes
Safran Helicopter Enines y ITP Aero han firmado un Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) para cooperar en el programa Ardiden 3 TP, un turbopropulsor de última generación para aplicaciones militares Europeas. –específicamente , UAV, aviones de entrenamiento y aeronaves de transposrte.
El especialista español en motorización aeronáutica refuerza un equipo europeo del que ya forman parte Safran HE en Francia y ZFL en Alemania
Esta solución de propulsion 100% europea estara basada en en bloque principal del motor Ardiden 3 y contiene soluciones desarrolladas con un demostrador technológico actualmente en fase de pruebas en banco en Francia.
Alvaro Santodomingo, Director de la unidad de negocio de Defensa de ITP Aero comentó al respecto: “ Una colaboración con Safran Helicopter Engines en este motor es una oportunidad importante para nosotros. Nuestras tecnologías y capacidades en la motorización de aeronaves ofrecerán un beneficio significativo al sistema de propulsión Ardiden 3 TP, permitiendo bajar costes operativos y de mantenimiento, reforzando también las capacidades industriales españolas de futuro."
Florent Chauvancy, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Safran Helicopter Engines, declaró: “Estamos muy satisfechos de dar la bienvenida a ITP Aero a este proyecto ilusionante. Estamos comprometidos con entregar el Ardiden 3 TP, un motor 100% europeo con altos niveles de madurez y con unos costes de operación y mantenimiento competitivos. El motor será diseñado, fabricado y mantenido por equipos muy experimentados que utilizarán las últimas capacidades industriales y tecnológicas en Alemania, España y Francia. Para naciones europeas que quieren preservar sus intereses nacionales y su soberanía tecnológica, ya sea en programas civiles o militares, el Ardiden 3 TP es la opción natural.”
El Ardiden 3TP esta optimizado para operar a altitudes medias y altas, hasta 45.000 pies, y es fácil de operar gracias a su sistema de comando unificado de gases y paso de la hélice, Full Authority Digital Engine and Propeller Control (FADEPC). La firma alemana MT-Propeller contribuye al programa con la hélice.
Ardiden 3TP se apoya en tecnologías desarrolladas con Tech TP, programa R&D que forma parte de Clean Sky2 y que confirma avances tecnológicos necesarios para desarrollar un turbopropulsor de nueva generación. Desde junio de 2019 los test en banco de pruebas han mostrado una gran robustez de estas tecnologías. Con una arquitectura compacta y ligera et Tech TP ha demostrado un 15% de reducción de consumo de combustible y emisionies de CO2 (respecto a los motores actuales). También fue uno de los primeros demostradores tecnológicos del programa Clean Sky 2 que entró en fase de pruebas. El Tech TP cuenta con contribuciones de más de 20 socios provenientes de 8 países europeos.
El Ardiden 3 es un bloque motor de última generación en la gama de 1700 a 2000 shp de potencia. Dos variantes han sido ya certificadas EASA (el Ardiden 3C y el 3G) y han completado más de 10.000 horas de vuelo, confirmando altos niveles de madurez, robustez y competitividad en costes de operación y mantenimiento. La familia Ardiden tiene una gran experiencia en vuelo y operaciones, el motor Ardiden 1 cuenta con más de 200.000 horas de vuelo a sus espaldas en aplicaciones militares.
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Safran is an international high-technology group, operating in the aviation (propulsion, equipment and interiors), defense and space markets. Its core purpose is to contribute to a safer, more sustainable world, where air transport is more environmentally friendly, comfortable and accessible. Safran has a global presence, with 84,000 employees and holds, alone or in partnership, world or European leadership positions in its core markets.
Safran is listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange and is part of the CAC 40 and Euro Stoxx 50 indices.
Safran Helicopter Engines is the world’s leading manufacturer of helicopter engines, with more than 75,000 produced since being founded. It offers the widest range of helicopter turboshafts in the world and has more than 2,500 customers in 155 countries.
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ITP Aero is a world leading company within its market, currently the ninth largest aircraft engine and components company in the world by revenue. The company employs over 4,000 people at its production centres in Spain, United Kingdom, Mexico, Malta and India. ITP Aero includes among its activities the design, research and development, manufacturing and casting, assembly and testing of aeronautical modules and engines. It also provides MRO services for a wide range of engines for regional airlines, business aviation, helicopters, industrial and defense applications.
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