Conversion of Safran preferred shares into Safran ordinary shares on Saturday February 13, 2021
Paris, February 1, 2021
On Saturday February 13, 2021, the 26,651,058 Safran class A preferred shares (ISIN code FR0013306479) (the “Preferred Shares”) will be converted automatically, without any legal formality, into Safran ordinary shares (ISIN code FR0000073272) (the “Ordinary Shares”).
The Preferred Shares were issued on February 13, 2018 in consideration for the Zodiac Aerospace shares tendered to the subsidiary exchange offer carried out as part of Safran’s tender offer for Zodiac Aerospace. The Preferred Shares are all registered shares and have the same characteristics as the Ordinary Shares, but are not listed and may not be transferred during a 36‑month period as from their date of issue, barring exceptional cases defined in Safran’s bylaws. On Saturday February 13, 2021, said period of non-transferability will be terminated and each Preferred Share will be converted automatically, without any legal formality, into one Ordinary Share fully assimilated with the other Ordinary Shares.
The conversion will not affect Safran’s share capital, which will remain unchanged at February 13, 2021. It will comprise the same total number of shares as previously, but will be made up of 427,235,939 Ordinary Shares all in the same class.
The double voting rights to which the Preferred Shares currently entitle their holders will not be affected by the conversion. There will also be no change in the form of the shares converted, i.e., they will remain either registered or administered registered shares, as appropriate.
The conversion of the Preferred Shares into Ordinary Shares will be taken into account by Euroclear France on the first day of trading as from Saturday February 13, 2021, i.e., Monday February 15, 2021, and the Ordinary Shares resulting from the conversion will be admitted to trading on the regulated Euronext Paris market.
During the course of Monday February 15, 2021, once the conversion has been taken into account by Euroclear France, the holders of registered Ordinary Shares resulting from the conversion of registered Preferred Shares may carry out any permitted trade in the Ordinary Shares by contacting BNP Paribas Securities Services, the securities services provider for Safran shares. The holders of administered registered Ordinary Shares resulting from the conversion of administered registered Preferred Shares may also engage in any permitted trade, but by contacting their respective financial intermediaries, and subject to any additional procedures that may be required by their financial intermediaries in line with their respective management and administration procedures.
The shareholders concerned are invited to send any questions they may have regarding the conversion to their usual contact at BNP Paribas Securities Services (holders of registered Preferred Shares) or to their financial intermediary (holders of administered registered Preferred Shares).
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Safran is an international high-technology group, operating in the aviation (propulsion, equipment and interiors), defense and space markets. Its core purpose is to contribute to a safer, more sustainable world, where air transport is more environmentally friendly, comfortable and accessible. Safran has a global presence, with 81,000 employees and holds, alone or in partnership, world or regional leadership positions in its core markets. Safran undertakes research and development programs to maintain the environmental priorities of its R&T and Innovation roadmap.
Safran is listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange and is part of the CAC 40 and Euro Stoxx 50 indices.
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