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Harmony episode 5: the infinite artistic cycle of aerospace
650 employees at the start of the Safran 2024 Sailing Challenge
Harmony episode 4, the art of combining nature and technology
Harmony, episode 3: a poetic touch to technology
Harmony - Part 2: Space-time warp
Harmony – When art embraces technology – Part 1
Safran engages its suppliers in a responsible approach
Safran celebrated the entry into service of the G700 with its customers
Safran engages with local communities in North America
Safran awarded for its environmental transparency
Start-ups, discover the new challenges that Safran Explore has in store!
#LoveMySafranJob – “My work-study program helped me find my first job”
#LoveMySafran Job - “I work for an inspiring, dynamic and exciting company”
Safran Helicopter Engines celebrates 40 years of presence in Brazil