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Zodiac Inflight Innovations wins Best Seat Centric IFE Award 2016

3D loom : carbon fiber
During the AIME (Aircraft Interiors Middle East) exhibition that took place in Dubai (February 3rd to 4th), Zodiac Inflight Innovations received the Best Seat Centric Prize, highlighting the responsiveness and reliability of our Rave™ product.    
Zodiac Inflight Innovations created the RAVE Seat Centric, Embedded AVOD system four years ago. Since then, over 35 customers have selected RAVE. RAVE is proudly flying on over 300 aircraft with over 200 in the backlog. Our patented Seat Centric system has proved to be the most responsive and most reliable due to localization of content and functionality. Airlines never worry about zonal outages, or full flight resets, as a simple single reset or display hot-swap restores Passenger AVOD within 1 minute. RAVE proudly maintains a 99% reliability rate, and will begin rolling out our next generation displays with more functionality, increased size, and maintaining our core value of the very best Seat Centric reliability on the market. In the event of a rare network issue, passengers are not affected, and continue using AVOD with absolutely no interruptions.

Our customers find joy in not only the seat centric product, but the support we provide them. We pride ourselves on ensuring Flight Attendants can focus on the service they provide their passengers, and not have to worry about the IFE system. While no system is absolutely perfect, RAVE Centric remains an afterthought to our cabin crew due to our continued commitment to reliability.

RAVE Centric remains the easiest, rock solid seat centric AVOD system with even more exciting things to come.