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A world champion in parasport at Safran Seats!


For the United Nations' International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Safran Seats is proud to have Dyennifer De Melo Luca on its team, and to celebrate her victory in pole sport. It is with a beautiful smile and the flag of the French team on her shoulders that Dyennifer celebrated her victory at the world championship.

Dyennifer De Melo Luca - Parapole

From handicap to world champion 

Affected by Poland syndrome, which affects 1 in 30,000 people iaccording to statistics, Dyennifer was born with a webbed hand and underwent 3 operations as a child. She was also born with a missing pectoral.  Athletic by nature, she practiced bodybuilding in her adult life until her rib cage operations which required immobilization for several weeks and the prohibition to practice any sport. Once recovered, in 2019, the motivation for bodybuilding disappeared and she discovered polesport, where only 3 years after her operation she excelled! The year 2022 will be the year of the first successes: France Champion and World Record of points, then World Champion and obtaining the new World Record of points!

3 days of competition and stars in the eyes

In Lausane, Switzerland, during the World Championship, Dyennifer's performance resulted in a score of 31.5 points, a new world record!

Several months of intensive preparation for ... 3 minutes 52 seconds of performance, but an immense joy and great emotion when she was crowned World Champion " It was a lot of emotions, when I sang the Marseillaise, the flag on my shoulders and the gold medal around my neck !

Dyennifer's ambition does not stop with this title, she wishes to continue training in order to work on new tricks to exceed her record of points and keep her titles of French and World Champion!

A commitment to talk about disability and facilitate integration 

During this competition, Dyennifer also participated in a conference about disability and sport. Accompanied by 5 participants of the competition, she answered many questions about the difficulties encountered, the accessibility of this sport, the treatments or the necessary accompaniment... The objective was to share her experience but also to attract new people with disabilities little represented in this sport.

Dyennifer also created the Parapole France association, with the medium-term objective of promoting it and welcoming new members in order to increase the number of competitors in the "Disabled" categories! 

Congratulations to Dyennifer for her World Champion title and for her daily commitment to a better understanding of disability and the integration of people with disabilities.