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SJTU-ParisTech students visited SAIFEI


On April 26th, Safran organized a conference and the visit of SAIFEI manufacturing site for the 2nd and 3rd year students of Shanghai Jiao Tong University- ParisTech Elite Institute of Technology (SPEIT).

3D loom : carbon fiber

More than 80 students from SPEIT were warmly welcomed at SAIFEI manufacturing site with the introduction speech of Linda LIN (Deputy General Manager of SAIFEI). SAIFEI is a 49/51 joint venture between Safran Electrical & Power and Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Company (COMAC), which designs and produces aircraft wiring systems.


After, the students had the opportunity to attend a conference held by Philippe BIGOT (SAIFEI Chief Engineer), about “Electrical Wiring Interconnect System (EWIS)” and the “New technologies of the aerospace industry”. During this conference, several themes were presented as:

  • an introduction to the methods and processes used to develop and produce the EWIS for aircrafts,
  • the different departments of a company involved in the process,
  • the diverse current aerospace technologies in use
  • and the new trends of the aerospace industry.


This section was more technical and interactive, with many Q&As, showing the great interest of the students on aerospace topics.












Following the conference, the students visited the production area of SAIFEI by doing a complete tour of the manufacturing plant. They learned how the wiring was produced, assembled and tested.




SJTU-ParisTech was built in 2012 from the strategic partnership between SJTU and the French Grandes Ecoles (Ecole Polytechnique, Mines ParisTech, Telecom ParisTech and ENSTA ParisTech.etc). Safran, being part of SJTU-ParisTech founding members, is very pleased and devoted to contribute to the students'  education.