Safran Data Systems' Cortex selected by Kinéis for IoT data collection for its constellation of satellites
Kinéis selected Safran Data Systems' Cortex as the central signal processing element on the ground for its 25 nanosatellites.
The Cortex product line is the industry standard for SDR modems for managing the critical maintenance line for all satellites, from geostationary satellites to low-orbit satellite constellation projects. Decades of research and feedback from the international community of users went into Cortex, which offers an unparalleled level of performance and control for customers in terms of maintaining positions and receiving high-speed data.
For this project, Kinéis will be able to rely on the Cortex telemetry channels to receive no less than six streams of data simultaneously to support the many visible satellites. This unique ability of the Cortex modem is a major asset for the ground-based segments of constellations using a large number of antennas. By meeting the unique needs of the Kinéis satellite constellation, the Cortex modem demonstrates its ability to adapt to any type of program or platform.
Kinéis will build the architecture of the ground-based segment based on the expertise provided by the Cortex modem with the support of Safran Data Systems.
For over forty years, we have been connecting objects around the world with the Argos System. The new constellation of 25 nanosatellites that we are working on draws on all of this experience and the best technologies with the agility of New Space to meet the new needs of the IoT. With its adaptive design and cutting-edge performance, the Cortex modem will be an asset for building smart, reliable ground infrastructure,
I am very proud that Kinéis chose Cortex for its innovative project. This meaningful sign of trust has fostered our ambitions for the New Space constellations and community,
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