Safran awarded First Prize for "Young Shareholders"
This year saw the EDHEC* and F2iC** create an award to assess CAC40 and CAC Next 20 companies ability to attract high-potential young people. They assessed 60 companies according to qualitative criteria (e.g. communications and investor relations) and quantitative criteria (e.g. annual performance, growth and dividends). Safran was awarded First Prize at the first awards ceremony.
The ultimate aim of the ranking is to give a voice to young shareholders and future shareholders. An independent jury comprising French and international students convened in late April to select the best-performing companies using a list of defined criteria.
Safran was the only company to feature in all of the award categories: Palme de la Pédagogie (teaching award), Palme de la Communication aux Actionnaires (shareholder communications award) and Palme de la Meilleure Rémunération de l'Actionnaire Individuel (award for best individual shareholder remuneration). After the jury made their decision and the spotlight was put on the initiatives implemented by the Group, Safran was awarded First Prize (Scor, Axa and Airbus Group were also in the running).
This award recognizes the measures the Group has taken to bolster its appeal to students, as well as all of the work done to foster relations with our shareholders such as the Shareholders Club, Club program, shareholder guide and shareholders' newsletter.
The award was presented after a conference on shareholding schemes in France, organized by ANSA*** in partnership with F2iC at the Palais Brongniart on June 14, 2016.
* Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales du Nord Business School
** Fédération des Investisseurs Individuels et des clubs d'investissements (Federation of Individual Investors and Innvestment Clubs)
*** Association Nationale des Sociétés par Actions (National Association of Joint-Stock Companies)
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- © Safran
- © Cyril Abad / CAPA Pictures / Safran