JIM LR binoculars, for a decisive advantage in theaters of operation
JIM LR multifunction, long-range binoculars maximize the efficiency of infantry soldiers, thanks to a combination of visible and infrared surveillance, search, pointing, identification and target designation functions. They make soldiers safer and more effective as they carry out their missions, day or night.

Lieutenant Williams, platoon leader, watched the young men and women across from him.
Alongside him, staff sergeant David, his adjutant, holds a pair of large, green binoculars. Another pair of these prism binoculars is mounted on a tripod nearby. (Prism binoculars use prisms to shorten the light path and show the image right side up!) The new recruits, standing at attention in front of their officer and his sidekick, seem fascinated by this new equipment.
“At ease!" barks the lieutenant. He quickly explains to the 30 new army inductees why they're here:
“I can see that you're interested! Let me introduce you to our JIM LR binoculars. JIM LR is the French abbreviation for multifunction infrared binoculars, long range. They're highly versatile and easy to use binoculars, the ones you'll be using on your next mission! But watch out – these aren't just some field glasses you can pick up at your local Wal-Mart. What you have in front of you is the state-of-the-art in electro-optical equipment, or what we call optronics."
Lieutenant Williams asks his adjutant to take a step forward so the new recruits can get a closer look at the binoculars, explaining,
“As you know, our job is to carry out missions wherever we are deployed, whether in a city, desert, jungle or the mountains! These new binoculars easily adapt to any environment."
Standing behind his staff sergeant, he continues:
“These are exceptional multifunction binoculars. In Afghanistan they helped us carry out our missions very effectively, day or night, including surveillance, target search and designation, and much more."
Staff sergeant David steps in at this point:
“Note that we can also use infrared vision during the daytime, for instance to see through the enemy's camouflage under any conditions, in a fog for example, or through a thick smokescreen. Using infrared vision at night, we can recognize a tank out to a range of 3,500 meters. When you're on the battlefield, staying out of view can save your life! With these long-range binoculars, you can carry out your mission while remaining at a safe distance so you're not detected.
Lieutenant Williams takes up the thread, emphasizing that : “This is a very important point! Our JIM LR binoculars integrate a number of high-tech devices, such as sensors, a laser rangefinder, a digital compass and GPS, so they can be used to determine observation zones, for instance, as well as measuring the distance from a target."
“With the JIM LR we can also operate in a network," adds staff sergeant David.
“A decision center, even one thousands of kilometers away, can link to several binoculars, using a portable app with a secure direct connection. That gives our command & control center real-time information from several points."
“And there's a USB port, the same as your computer, so you can download data, photos and videos recorded by your JIM LR, for post-mission analysis."
The lieutenant takes over to finish the presentation:
“The binoculars give us a holistic vision of all movements, troop positions and targets in the field. They not only ensure maximum mission effectiveness, they also support tactical intelligence gathering and allow us to avoid errors.
He takes a few steps back, looking at his young soldiers, who seem impressed. One of them timidly raises a hand, asking:
“Lieutenant, Sir, when do we get our hands on the JIM LR?"
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