International Women’s Day: Celebrating and recognizing women at Safran
At Safran, International Women's Day is not just today. Gender equality is a priority for the Group, as evidenced by the various actions implemented to support women throughout their careers.

In honor of this year’s International Women’s Day – which is based on the theme #InspireInclusion – we are bringing to the forefront stories and insights from a group of women who are contributing to Safran’s success in the United States.
- Do not miss the International Women’s Day episode of Safran’s Radar podcast titled “The power of women’s networks at Safran.”
Safran Electronics & Defense
Sabeena Sebastian, Program Manager
- What is the most valuable career advice that you have received?
Be your authentic self. Instead of trying to fit in, or acting how you think others would want you to act, embrace who you are. You'll find that unlocking your unique skillset will guide you to success and opportunities fitting of your personality and your goals.
- What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I am proudest of my personal transformation. As a young girl, I was smart but very shy. I learned quickly through early experiences that I could never reach my career goals unless I learned how to share my voice. Through college degrees, my growing network of strong women, and challenges - I am now witnessing the rewards of my transformation and it has benefited all aspects of my life.
- How can we encourage more women to pursue careers in the aerospace and defense sector?
In recent years, we are seeing more and more women enter the aerospace and defense sector. However, there is still a gap. Companies that foster an environment where women can rise to any level of the organization will benefit. Women working in senior leadership positions should be highlighted as role models.
Many of my decisions in life were influenced based on my dreams as a child. Visiting the NASA and learning about science, space and the sky fueled my interest in aerospace several years later. Therefore, it is important to encourage child development and the educational system to demonstrate careers in all sectors, showing young girls it is possible to work in any industry that sparks passion.
Safran USA
Read Van de Water, Senior Vice President, External Affairs
- What is the most valuable career advice that you have received?
There is no such thing as an important person, only an important job. Don't confuse the two. And every important job has an important team.
- Can you tell us about a role model who has inspired you over your career?
Secretary Norm Mineta was an incredible leader during a tremendously difficult time in our nation's recent history, the 9/11 attacks. He kept his Department of Transportation team and the greater airline industry focused on security, safety, and stability.
- What are your top three problem-solving tips?
Really try to understand all sides of a problem - not just my side.
You rarely misstep by something you didn't say. Think before talking.
Ask for help. You are not the smartest person in the room.
- How do you empower your fellow female colleagues and other women in your world?
I try to encourage women to be themselves, stand up for themselves, and address complications with humor. Look for mentors and always be supportive of the women coming behind you.
Safran Cabin
Aurora Valenzuela, Buyer
- What is the most valuable career advice that you have received?
“Don’t ever stop learning.” I was told this during my very first week at Safran by someone who had been with the company for many years and continued to grow. I love how Safran always encourages their employees to continue learning – whether by taking classes or shadowing experienced employees and having them share their knowledge.
- Can you tell us about a role model who has inspired you over your career?
“Don’t ever stop learning.” I was told this during my very first week at Safran by someone who had been with the company for many years, and I have continued to grow. I love how Safran always encourages their employees to continue learning – whether by taking classes or by shadowing experienced employees and having them share their knowledge.
I was extremely blessed to be able to work in the same office as my mother, who originally introduced me to Safran and inspired me to build my career in aerospace.
While she no longer works for Safran and has now moved on to a different career path, she always told me – and still tells me to this day – that Safran is an amazing company to work for, and is so grateful for her time spent working at Safran.
- If you could have dinner with any woman, past or present, who would it be and why?
I would choose to have dinner with fashion designer Vera Wang. She changed her career path from ice skating to medicine to fashion and became an incredibly successful designer. She took a risk switching to a career in fashion, which is not the most steady career path, but she did not mind because she followed her passion. She is such an inspiration to me to always do what makes you happy, even if there is risk involved.
Safran Trusted 4D
Danielle Moultrie, HR Administrator
- What do you enjoy the most about working at Safran?
The culture and the people! There are so many amazing people who work for this company, and we genuinely enjoy collaborating across departments, teams, and levels. We make cool products, employ brilliant minds, and have fun. It doesn’t get better than that.
- How do you empower your fellow female colleagues and other women in your world?
By ensuring we are making space for them in male-dominant fields, inviting their voices to the table, encouraging development, and supporting their work-life balance.
- What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I have successfully navigated significant shifts in career focus a few times in my life and I am finally in the right area for me. It’s amazing to feel like you’re in the right career path, together with the understanding of how much you bring to the table due to the tenacity you’ve shown working your way there.
Safran Seats
Sheddar Escalante, Industrial Engineer
- What do you enjoy the most about working at Safran?
I really enjoy seeing the tangible results of my work, knowing that the seats I help create will be used by people from all around the world. And the challenges of ensuring safety and efficiency.
- If you could have dinner with any woman, past or present, who would it be and why?
I would choose Malala Yousafzai, her story highlights her courage and unwavering commitment to her cause for female education, making her an inspirational figure globally. I would be inspired to hear about her experiences, her advocacy work and her thoughts on education and women rights.
- How can we encourage more women to pursue careers in the aerospace and defense sector?
First, educational programs should be developed to introduce young girls to STEM (Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics) fields and show them the exciting opportunities. Second, highlight successful woman as role models and providing mentorship programs. Third and last, ensuring equal opportunities for women recruitment, promotion and career development.
Safran Aerosystems Services
Sareneh Hacopi, Lead Repair Administrator
- What do you enjoy the most about working at Safran?
I enjoy the work environment, it is always friendly and welcoming. Safran also has a very diverse workforce, which I very much appreciate. Safran believes in continuous improvement and values innovation.
- What is the most valuable career advice that you have received?
Analyze every problem and find the root cause – this might lead you not only to solve the issue, but to improve the situation.
- How do you empower your fellow female colleagues and other women in your world?
What I always encourage and promote is the sense of “self-worth” – the willingness to make their own choices & believing in the fact that everything is achievable once they put their mind and heart to it.
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