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"Applying the 4.0 revolution to our product R&D"

Human resources

She's always had a passion for complex subjects. It's therefore quite natural for Sandrine Paulic-Dumont, 46, to find herself as head of Digital Transformation at the Technical Department of Safran Electronics & Defense – a highly strategic position in the context of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

Portrait of Sandrine PAULIC-DUMONT, Engineering 4.0 & Progress Director

From the implementation of the Engineering 4.0 project to the management of interfaces between the Information Systems department and her own department, steering cross-functional ALM(1) and PLM(2) projects and the deployment of the progress dynamic, a long list of tasks have been entrusted to Sandrine Paulic-Dumont. "Digital continuity is now central to engineering processes," she explains. "As such, my roadmap consists of leading the digital transformation and the progress drive within our technical department. In other words, to apply the 4.0 revolution to the R&D of our products to deliver to our customers as soon as possible." She adds with conviction: "As specialised as they are, our business lines can't escape digitisation, whether in terms of technological disruptions or continuous improvement."

Team meeting

An exciting playground

After a career spanning a variety of experiences at different companies in the sector, this engineer by training joined the technical department of Safran Electronics & Defense in 2016 as head of the software development unit, before moving to her current position at the start of 2022. She finds her new playing field particularly challenging:

"The professions in R&D are exciting. I work with excellent specialists and technically brilliant engineers. I learn a lot from them. For my part, I try to bring them my experience so we can combine our skills." What a way to collectively strive for excellence!

Another promising challenge she is involved in is the search for the optimised and increasingly effective use of data. "Our products generate a lot of data," she says. "This foundation is valuable and needs to result in us creating value in services, and from the very start! This is also a major paradigm shift."

At the core of the reactor

Positioned where project management and information systems intersect, this digital transformation management requires good summarising skills and a truly open mind.

"You have to like change, be humble and be ready to accept the principle of constant questioning," Sandrine sums up. "And, like everywhere else, you have to be able to be bold, push more, always push more, without being afraid of failure, because mistakes are an integral part of any transformation process."
Portrait of Sandrine PAULIC-DUMONT, Engineering 4.0 & Progress Director

Given the experience she has already gained in her position, she admits that she is really impressed by the extent of the digital transformation undertaken at Safran: "Unprecedented impetus has been given to this subject over the past two years, it's one of the three strategic areas singled out by the Group, alongside sovereignty and decarbonisation. Contributing to it makes my mission meaningful." Ultimately, she feels she is "at the core of the reactor" and strongly believes she can link her work directly to geopolitical events that are decisive for the future of Europe and the world, meaning she transcends the ordinary.


(1) Application Life Management: all of the tools and processes that manage the life cycle of an application, from its design to its end of life.

(2) Product Life Management: all of the tools and processes put in place to manage the life cycle of a product: design, development, manufacturing, services and even end of life.


Since January 2022: Director of Digital Transformation & Progress, Safran Electronics & Defense

2016-2021: Software Development Unit Manager, Safran Electronics & Defense

2012-2015: Head of Department, Energy, Communications & Systems Division

2008-2012: Deputy Project Manager, Security, Communications & Systems Division

1999-2008: engineer then project manager, Thales

1999: graduated from the ENSTA engineering school