5 top tips to boost your career!
Have you got plenty of career dreams but don’t know where to start or how to go about turning them into reality? Well, don’t panic – organizing your career development is just like any other journey! Below are five tips for creating your very own “career compass”, so that you can set off confidently on your next great professional adventure…
#1 - Establish your starting point
The first stage in your journey is to establish where you’re starting from. It’s vital to identify your areas of interest, what you already excel at, and where you need to strengthen your skills. After all, you wouldn’t go on an island holiday if you hated sand, or on a solo cruise around the Pacific if you had no navigation skills, would you? You need to work out where you are in your career before you can think about the next goals. So, take the time to fully take stock of your career. You can use the following questions as pointers.
- What motivates me to get out of bed in the morning? What do I love about my current job? And what do I really dislike?
- What 5 aspects of my next job am I not willing to compromise on?
- What are my strengths and weaknesses? What knowledge, skills and strengths can I offer?
#2 - Identify where you want to go
The next step is to pinpoint your destination! How do you see your next adventure? Where do you want to go? There’s no point simply saying, for example, you want to become a manager or move up in the company. That would be like saying you want a holiday in the sun, which is rather vague. Think about the kind of role you’ve got in mind and the level of responsibility you’d be willing to take on, as well as the type of project you’d like to work on, and the location you prefer.
To do this, you need to conduct an exploratory phase:
- Explore Safran companies and jobs, and list those that inspire you.
- Reach out to colleagues in sectors you’re interested in so that you can see how your impressions measure up to the reality of the job, and learn more about the various career paths available so that you can make a well-informed decision. Get in touch with our HR manager to discuss with them.
#3 - Plan your itinerary
Now that you know where you’re aiming, it’s time to get going! But how do you get there? Before setting off, you need to plan your itinerary!
Start by assessing the distance between where you are today and your short and medium-term goals: look at your skills, experience, networks, etc. Then, choose the most suitable “means of transport”. Be warned, it can be a long journey! You need to pinpoint the different stages in your journey to reach your ultimate destination. You should also determine the resources you’ll need to get there on schedule. Don’t be tempted to take shortcuts — they usually lead to disappointments. Instead, set realistic goals.
#4 - Set off on your journey
Adventure is calling you! Bear in mind, the best adventures are those that are shared. So learn from the experience of people you meet along the way. Share your knowledge, skills and strengths, and make sure others know what you have to offer so that when job opportunities arise, they’ll immediately think of you!
Also, consider taking a guide, they’ll bring valuable insights. Let your line manager and HR manager know you’re interested in exploring new horizons, and seek their advice. Aspects you could raise with them: is your career plan in line with the vision of your manager and/or the company’s needs? Can they recommend learning programs or assign you to work on more ambitious projects that will help you prepare for the role you have in mind ? Are there other ways of reaching your goals that haven’t occurred to you? Take advantage of their experience — it can spur you on your journey to success!
#5 - Stay on course!
Keep your “career compass” handy so that you stay on course. Remember to regularly review your itinerary to avoid any unpleasant surprises and most of all take advantage of new opportunities on the horizon. It’s important that you regularly refer to the personal and professional review and the career plan you’ve already built (at least once a year, for example, prior to your PDR) so you can measure your progress, revise your schedule, and adjust your goals, if necessary. Don’t be afraid to make bold moves, follow your instincts and seize opportunities! The secret to a successful adventure is never giving up.
So, now you’ve established your goals, set your schedule and determined how you’re going to travel. The journey ahead looks clear and bright... You get the picture — you shape your own career! All that remains is to wish you “bon voyage” at Safran!
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