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Whistleblower service

At Safran, we have committed to act as a responsible business and, in that respect, we encourage each and every one of our employees, suppliers, and customers to report any situation that may be in breach of the Group’s ethical principles.

Ethics at Safran

Ethics at Safran : 01 minute and 30 seconds
Alert ethic values

Integrity and transparency at the core of our ethical guidelines

Since 2005, Safran’s principles have been formalized by the Group’s ethical guidelines, offering each individual a document to consult in any situation. The rules covered in these guidelines do not in any way replace or adjust current laws and regulations. They exist to provide background and references for everyone to refer to as they carry out their work. Since the introduction of these guidelines, Safran has continued to increase its expectations in this regard.

Today, the Group can draw on a pertinent compliance program which includes a wide range of reference documents, internal procedures, and guides, and which provides shared values around which all Safran employees worldwide, and our suppliers and partners, come together.


Safran's ethical guidelines

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Ethics process

Reporting processes that everyone can access

"Committing to exemplary ethics” is part of the second pillar in Safran’s CSR strategy, “Embodying responsible industry”. In concrete terms, this long-standing commitment ensures that all internal and external Group stakeholders (employees, suppliers, customers, shareholders, etc.) have the opportunity to report any breach of Safran’s ethical guidelines. There are several channels to go through:

Report misconduct

How are reports handled?

Safran follows a strict procedure with regards to reporting. The procedure follows governing principles ensuring protection for the whistleblower or reporter. For each alert or report, the internal handling process proceeds as follows:

  • Assess the eligibility of the alert / report and inform the whistleblower of the non-admissibility of the report if that’s the case,
  • Acknowledge receipt of the report,
  • Ensure the confidentiality of the whistleblower / reporter and protect the presumption of innocence of the person subject to the report,
  • Inform the relevant departments, have the whistleblower / reporter complete documentation for the report as required,
  • Set up the procedures to be conducted (investigation by the department concerned and, if need be, by specialized investigators), determine potential precautionary measures and, depending on the result of the investigations, decide on the proper follow-up (closing thecase; preventive, corrective, disciplinary, legal measures, etc.),
  • Define the criteria for closing the case, and inform the relevant parties when it is closed,
  • Inform the whistleblower / reporter (when possible) and, if applicable, the person subject to the report of the progress of the investigations and the measures taken,
  • Archive case information anonymously.

For the person subject to the report:

  • Confidentiality guarantee and protection of rights (presumption of innocence, etc.)
  • Information on the report and its conclusions


Our reporting process

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Learn more about our disclosing policy