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Hall of SSAMC




四川省成都市双流区公兴街道联检路66号 610200 成都


30° 34' 10" N , 103° 57' 31" E

SSAMC, the first MRO facility for CFM56 engines in China, was also the first facility in the country to offer maintenance services for LEAP engines. SSAMC aims to reduce the total cost of ownership, by providing value-added engine maintenance services and competitive pricing. This approach has significantly benefitted airlines by reducing engine time on-wing, as well as by minimizing unscheduled removals and sharing airline engineering resources. SSAMC holds aAirworthiness certificates from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA),  and it has also been certified by the civil aviation authorities of Nepal (CAAN), Singapore (CAAS), Thailand (CAAT), Vietnam (CAAV) and Indonesia (DGCA).